Friday, January 26, 2007

LaTeX Presentation

I gave a presentation on the typesetting system LaTeX to my class. I went way over time. I went right to the 1024 and class is supposed to end at 1020. I went over some special characters, some commands and some environements that people might use.

The biggest questions came from how commands were implemented. How to format. One thing I didn't get across was the concept of the packages. I think, everyone will be alright. They got the basic idea of using commands and the idea of the \section and creating equations.

I could have cut it down a bit more so now I know for later. Well it's one of the few presentations that I've given. Especially one that is meant to be interactive. I guess, you could say that it was the first time that I taught a lecture. It was fun and I think I could do it again.

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