Wednesday, April 11, 2007

PIMS and Cycling to Victoria

I didn't write about this when it hapend, but I thought I should write about it now. Back in February I cycled to Victoria from Vancouver. Well not the whole way, since you can't cycle across the George Straight and you're not legally allowed to cycle the George Massey Tunnel.

The ride was fun. It takes very little time to get from Downtown to the Airport. I missed the bus to catch the 7:30 ferry sailing, so I had to wait for the 9:30 ferry. Little do I know but this was a blessing in disguise.

On my way to the ferry there was another cyclist who hoped on board to the ferry. When I cycled over to the ferry to board there were three cyclists getting on board, and one of them was a mathematician going to the Eighth Coast Combinatorics Conference. What a coincidence. Even though the company made the ride that much more enjoyable, it didn't make it any more drier. I guess I'm spoiled living in Kamloops.

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